The article is graphic, disgusting, enraging. Also not to be missed are the LOOK Magazine Letters to the Editor. Some will make your blood run cold. They are unforgettable; they are haunting. Perhaps worst of all—they bear an eerie resemblance to the forums comments you would see today, if a similarly bloodthirsty and racist article were to be published on a major website.
EMMETT TILL’S STORY IN ITS IN ENTIRETY CAN BE FOUND UNDER "THE LITTLE BOOK OF LYNCHING" TAB ABOVE. IT IS EXCERPTED FROM PICKFORD’S STUDIOS’ UPCOMING BOOK, “THE LITTLE BOOK OF LYNCHING, PART TWO.” Then, following Emmett Till’s story, you will find links to the reprint of the “Look” article in its entirety, along with the Letters to the Editor.
Please keep watching for additional excerpts from "THE LITTLE BOOK OF LYNCHING" during February, "Black History Month".