On Auction Today: The Soul of George Zimmerman
By Meg Langford
"I still believe that people are truly good at heart, as Anne Frank has said, and I will put myself in any position to help another human in any way I can..."
Inspiring words, yes? Spoken by none other than George Zimmerman. At this point, I am wishing that I am on an airplane, where when you get that suddenly nauseated feeling in the pit of your stomach, there is that convenient little bag to reach for, where you can do your business.
Dear Readers: For years now, the authors at Pickford Studios have been entertaining and informing you on the web—on YouTube, on Amazon, at moviesforyourmind.net And now, we are asking something of you in return. A phone call. One simple phone call. Or, if you are a Gladiator-In-A-Suit, a series of phone calls. TO 407-413-8822 or 404-827-1500
Allow us to elaborate.
Legions of people are incensed that George Zimmerman may stand to profit by selling the gun that killed a boy. The weapon that cause the death of 17 year old Trayvon Martin. We here at Pickford Studios are deeply enraged. When we first heard about it, we were reminded of a famous Look article from back in the 50’s. Many people know that a couple of white men down Mississippi way were found not guilty by a jury of all white men for the killing of a fourteen year old black boy named Emmett Till. His crime—flirting with a white store clerk. But a number of eyewitnesses said that he was not even guilty of flirting. Just brushing her hand as he gave her the change to buy some candy and a cold drink. Yes, many know the grisly details about the murder of young Emmett Till, and the funeral that brought nationwide attention to a problem that was getting increasingly difficult to ignore in 1950’s America. A problem that would test the country’s mettle and meaning. It was The Problem We All Lived With, every day, and not even a man as
Pollyanna as Norman Rockwell could keep it from seeping out of his soul, through his brushes, and into his art.
But not so many people know that a few months later, when the trial was long over, the two men who had been tried and found not-guilty exploited the Double Jeopardy law, and confessed the entire killing in a graphic and grisly Look magazine article. January, 1956. They knew they could not be tried again for murder. And they got paid 5000 dollars for selling their souls to Satan. $5000 dollars for the horrific details of the torture and killing of a child.
As I told my editor/publisher, “You know you are going to have a bad day when you are researching an archived article , you put the word “nigger” into “Control+Find” and you get 8 hits in one article. Here are six of them …the blood chilling details of how a man dances with the devil. Of why two men decide they have to beat the life out of a teenage boy: "Well, what else could we do? He was hopeless. I'm no bully; I never hurt a nigger in my life. I like niggers -- in their place -- I know how to work 'em. But I just decided it was time a few people got put on notice. As long as I live and can do anything about it, niggers are gonna stay in their place. Niggers ain't gonna vote where I live. If they did, they'd control the government. They ain't gonna go to school with my kids. And when a nigger gets close to mentioning sex with a white woman, he's tired o' livin'. I'm likely to kill him. Me and my folks fought for this country, and we got some rights. I stood there in that shed and listened to that nigger throw that poison at me, and I just made up my mind. 'Chicago boy,' I said, 'I'm tired of 'em sending your kind down here to stir up trouble. Goddam you, I'm going to make an example of you -- just so everybody can know how me and my folks stand.'"
Now please understand, in quoting the above abhorrent speech, I am not comparing the killers’ reference about blacks controlling the government to George Zimmerman’s tweet, calling the President of the United States an “ignorant baboon”.
I am not sure exactly why this story reminds me so much of the George Zimmerman gun auction story, but I am sure it has something to do with the selling of one’s soul.
Upon pondering it long and deeply, however, we think that we have found a cheerful solution to the nightmare that will serve everybody. It occurred to us that a number of credible news outlets have reported that George Zimmerman owes 2.5 million dollars to the team of lawyers who so deftly got Jorge out of that pesky murder rap. Although Jorge Zimmerman was not able to pay his attorney Mr. O’Mara any of the money owed him, Jorge was, mysteriously enough, able to afford a very high priced female attorney shortly thereafter, when he had to defend himself against one of a series of charges that he had abused women. This must have annoyed and inflamed those lawyers to whom Jorge owed a cool 2.5 mill.
This matter of George Zimmerman auctioning the gun used to kill Trayvon to the highest bidder is a momentous opportunity for Zimmerman’s attorneys—an opportunity to effect a higher kind of justice than we see in even the most satisfying of court decisions —and for the record, there was nothing satisfying in the Zimmerman verdict, according to millions of Americans—less than half of the country agreed with the verdict to acquit. And surely more Americans would have abhorred the outcome, had they listened to august legal minds such as Alan Dershowitz explaining the cunning manipulations of Special Prosecutor Angela Corey: among other inexplicable decisions, she grossly overcharged Zimmerman, setting the burden of proof so high as to virtually assure the defendant’s acquittal, and complete exoneration. (In initially charging GZ with second degree murder, as opposed to the lesser charge of manslaughter, she put her team in the almost impossible position of proving that Zimmerman had demonstrated “a depraved mind without regard for human life”. The bar was high indeed. Too high. So Zimmerman ended up walking away a free man, and those who didn’t follow the trial simply took that as proof that Zimmerman’s version was true, in spite of Zimmerman’s established pattern of lying to the police.)
But let’s get back to that glorious solution designed to benefit everybody.
George will sell his evil little gun. Someone who is thrilled at the thought of owning a gun which took a young black man’s life will pay a king’s ransom for it—or perhaps, as one forum poster so pithily put it, he will just sell it directly to Sarah Palin or Ted Nugent.
George will then have a big pile of money.
George will then be able to pay his attorneys, Mark O’Mara and Don West. (We are functioning under the assumption that George still owes this money, because if he had exculpated himself by declaring bankruptcy, we surely would have heard about it. Because everything, from Jorge’s creepy lurking around a gun store in the dead of night while the owner wasn’t about, to his visiting the factory which manufactured the gun that killed Trayvon, to his leaving a target with seventeen bullet holes in it posted on his x-wife’s property in retaliation for his father–in-law ordering him to move out of the premises—and this after destroying his father-in-law’s IPAD, presumably because he was recording the event—everything George does becomes public knowledge, so if he had declared bankruptcy, we figure we’d know about it.
So Mark O’Mara, we expect that you will be collecting the money that George makes from his gun sale, and you will put that towards what he owes you.
Mark O’Mara, we expect that you will be collecting the money that George makes from his gun sale, rather than letting him keep it to spend on cigars, trips to the beach, fancy hotel assignations, male jewelry, bath salts (all of which he has bragged about ad nauseum via interviews and in the Twittersphere), along with female companionship which invariably ends in abuse, and finally, most alarmingly, the purchase of ever more guns.
Mark O’Mara, in this single act of annexing this money, which you are certainly due, and which is long overdue, you could bring peace to the millions of Americans who are horrified, grief-stricken, and enraged that George Zimmerman might profit from the death of a child. And—we did promise that this move would be beneficial for everyone—it would even be good for George. George once said, “I recognize I have faults. I'm accountable for them, and I try to do what I can to correct them.” We know that George must feel accountable for the debts he has acquired, even as he allowed all of his personal debt to be wiped out by contributions that poured into PayPal, by contributors expressing their support for his shooting poor Trayvon. But with the gun sale money coming in, this is a marvelous, clarifying opportunity for Jorge to settle his debts, repay those who saved his sorry ass, and just generally start to repair his Karma. Sidebar: We are not impressed with Jorge’s claim that he would take a “portion of the proceeds” from the gun sales and give it to a Law Enforcement type charity—a cause which we here at Pickford Studios would support, by the way. We ae not impressed for two reasons: First, because our definition of “portion of the proceeds” is most surely in disaccord with George’s. And secondly, we here at Pickford Studios believe that Mr. Zimmerman in a lying Dirtbag.
But let us return to our readers, for a moment. Our readers all know that lawyers are busy people. We know that Mark O’Mara is a particularly busy man, since one of the many blessings showered upon him, after he won George Zimmerman’s freedom, was being offered the juicy perk of being named “CNN Legal Analyst”. This is a very prestigious title; a title which, along with his courtroom victory in the case of the killing of Trayvon Martin, must surely have fattened his coffers. And because Mark O’Mara is now a CNN legal analyst, it is eminently reasonable that we would all call Mark O’Mara at this number: 407 413-8822 or 404-827-1500, CNN's number, his office, and ask him if he plans to collect this blood money from George. Some of us, I expect, might even demand that he collect the blood money from George. In fact, given CNN’s signature style of updating us hourly on even such non-events such as the location of Malaysian Flight 370, we fully expect that it would be both reasonable and de riguer to call Mark O’Mara, CNN analyst, for his plans and opinion regarding the disposition of George’s gun bucks and legal fees every hour, on the hour. Yes. Hourly. To make our collective point, as an enraged Vox Populi. 407 413-8822 or 404-827-1500
So Mark O’Mara, Esquire, we expect that you will be collecting that money that George makes from his gun sale, and you will put that towards what he owes you. We are even imagining that—dare I suggest this--in the spirit of healing the country, you will put that money towards the charity of your choice. It would be our choice, here at Pickford Studios, that you not put the money towards your own non-profit, “Justice Outreach” since, Esquire O’Mara, your non-profit has less transparency than any non-profit we have ever seen. We assume that you pay yourself a salary, as the head of the non-profit, as your time is surely worth something, but we do not know what it is that you pay yourself, since your compensation, the non-profit’s budget, and its charity rating are all mysteriously invisible, vis a vis the cyber universe. Nonetheless, we are confident that you will use all of your legal prowess to wrest this money that you are due from Mr. Zimmerman, once George collects his 30 pieces of auction silver. We suspect that upon closer examination, many of the humans at CNN would vigorously agree with us. And we hope you do take the next honorable move and put that blood money towards a charity. Because this whole matter of George Zimmerman selling the Revolver that killed Trayvon, and George selling his own Rubber Soul in the process, at some Grimp Reaper-esque-- It’s bad business. It is the devil’s business? Frankly, the entire thing feels rather...
Straight from hell.
407 413-8822 or 404-827-1500
PS George Zimmerman's website is gmz1776.com. You will recognize it by the image of the American flag that he stole from Shutterstock.com. Why don't you cruise by his site and tell him exactly what you think about him. In fact, since George loves attention so much, why don't you write him often.