Michelle’s Museum
Dedicated to a girl killed by a drunk driver on Christmas Day .
And born . . .
. . .on Mother’s Day.
This museum is also dedicated to all those in danger of being forgotten. The little lives, the average adventures, the small families, the tiny homes . . .For all of them are just as important as the big houses, are they not?
And to history and its heroes . . . the legacies, the legends, the soldiers, the sacrifices . . . and the triumphs.
To all of the above, this museum is fondly dedicated.
Dedicated to a girl killed by a drunk driver on Christmas Day .
And born . . .
. . .on Mother’s Day.
This museum is also dedicated to all those in danger of being forgotten. The little lives, the average adventures, the small families, the tiny homes . . .For all of them are just as important as the big houses, are they not?
And to history and its heroes . . . the legacies, the legends, the soldiers, the sacrifices . . . and the triumphs.
To all of the above, this museum is fondly dedicated.